About Us

Field Force Inspections has provided field inspection and survey services to a Western underwriting and loss control clientele since 1946. We introduced the use of photographs to the inspection industry and have pioneered many industry innovations over the years of providing professional field services to our customers. Field Force Inspections is a service company. We recognize the importance of continually demonstrating the value of our efforts and we will consistently strive to accommodate all reasonable requests.

Licensing and Insurance
As a professional reporting firm, Field Force Inspections is licensed by the California Department of Consumer Affairs (PI5688) and maintains complete insurance coverages for the protection of our customers and our employees. Certificates of Insurance are available to our clientele upon request.

Technical and Safety Services
Field Force Inspections provides underwriting and loss control information, but does not engage directly in safety consulting services.

Frequently asked questions

  • I am a new customer. What do I need to order an inspection?
    When visiting our Website at www.index-research.com, it will be necessary to Log In to request an inspection. If you do not know your account Name and Password, please call our office at 800-385-1680 for assistance.

  • How soon will my inspection be completed?
    We maintain field staff domiciled in strategic geographic locations and attempt to complete inspections within two to three weeks. Rural areas, mountain and isolated locations may require additional time. If advance inspection appointments are mandatory, the availability of the insured can influence the turn-around schedule. Weather conditions, of course, can also be a factor.

  • How will the report be delivered to me?
    We deliver electronic reports in Adobe Acrobat .PDF file format. Reports are forwarded to you via e-Mail, or they may be posted to our Website where you may access them using your Log-In identification. Reports can also be delivered by Mail if you prefer.

  • How will I be invoiced for my inspection(s)?
    We invoice our established accounts once each month, near the end of the month, for services provided during that calendar month. Monthly statements are payable upon receipt.

  • Can you provide Replacement Cost Reports for properties?
    Replacement cost estimates can be provided on request, using either Marshall and Swift/Boeckh MS/B or e2Value programs.

  • Do you provide reports to Agents and Brokers? Directly to Individuals?
    We do work with General Agencies, Agents and Brokers as they are established within the insurance industry. We do not, however, provide reports directly to individuals.

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